Sunday, 25 April 2010

17. An unknown doctor

My daughter has been in hospital this week after having had surgery. In tribute to the excellent medical practitioners who have been putting her to sleep, cutting her open, making sure she wakes up again, putting her in a huge lower body cast, giving her lots of drugs, changing her bed sheets and plenty of other things, here is a picture of a great looking doctor. It is definitely copyright, so I really shouldn't use it, but whatareyagonnado?

And I bet he's not a real doctor.

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

16. Will Harris

Will Harris is another online find, found after searching for 'bald goatee glasses' (and that's a search I can heartily recommend to all) but it turns out that Mr Harris is, actually, really quite interesting. I've always been a little envious of those who can turn their hand to any number of jobs, especially so if they're doing them at the same time. Will is a writer, a web designer, a typeface expert AND an actor. Whether he's any good at any of these things is, of course, beyond the remit of this particular blog. Instead, I'll simply say that with a look like that, the work should be pouring in.

Friday, 9 April 2010

15. Michael Moore

It's been a busy few weeks, so my plan for a post a day has gone right out of the window. Anyway, here's number 15, everybody's favourite left-wing documentary maker, Michael Moore. He's had a few different looks over the years; full beard, no beard at all, but here he is with the best beard of all. Now, I know what you're thinking; that's a whole lot of hair up top. I'd merely ask you to remember the name of the blog and the fact that I've still got 85 people to find. I thought it might be easy.

Saturday, 3 April 2010

14. Kyle Gass

I'll be quick on this one: Jack Black may get all the kudos, but Kyle's the one rockin' the look the ladies love.