Tuesday, 25 May 2010

25. Steve Austin

Stone Cold Steve is a wrestler and movie actor. All well and good, but check out that neck! It's actually wider than his head!

Monday, 24 May 2010

24. Ali G

I knew that at some point in this voyage of (self) discovery I would have to tackle the Ali G. question. Lets be clear from the start: he may have the goatee and glasses, and we'll never be sure what the 'hat' covers, but Mr G is somewhat of a problem to the rest of the bald-goatee-glasses community. As a comedy character, we are forced to concede that his look is up for ridicule and yet we know what a great look it really is. Must we then only laugh at the tracksuit? What then, for the yellow tracksuit blogger, looking for 100 people in yellow tracksuits? His quest would surely start with Ali G and he might point to the beard as a work of comedy genius. Its an insoluble problem.

Tomorrow, a WWF wrestler.

Sunday, 23 May 2010

23. Red 6

Like so many men of my age, Star Wars plays a central role in my life. It was the first film I saw at the cinema and remains the movie against which all others are judged. And it still has the power to take me back to that first time, even through the fog of innumerable viewings since then; on video, back at the cinema when they were re-released and now on DVD. Like all our favourite things, it is all so familiar and yet still has the capacity to surprise. So it was this morning, when during the attack on the Death Star, Mrs Elliott got very excited when she noticed someone-who-looks-a-bit-like-me piloting one of the Rebel fighters. Red 6, AKA Jek (and I'm not making this up) Porkins looks a little too corpulent for the job, but I guess the Rebel leaders were taken in with his rugged good looks and well crafted beard.

Thursday, 20 May 2010

22. Peter Gibbs

I've just been watching the weather forecast when it slowly dawned on me that Peter Gibbs really needed to be included here, so here he is.

Why, though, are we so concerned with the weather forecast? What, for a vast majority of people on most days of the year, might actually change because of a weather prediction? And, of course, it is merely a prediction - it's little better than a good guess. I can guess on my own, yet all the major TV channels waste time and money on flashy graphics and separate presenters to tell us about something that they know little more than me about.

On the other hand, if it gives TV exposure to a man like Mr Gibbs, then it must be a good thing.

Thursday, 13 May 2010

21. Homer Simpson

You all know Homer, I'm sure, so what else is there to say that hasn't been before? Only that Mrs Elliott insisted I include Homer wearing his glasses at some point. I think she fancies him a bit.

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

20. Mr Potato Head

Hurrah! I've got to number 20 in this evermore epic quest. And who doesn't love Mr Potato Head? Star of the Toy Story movies (TS 3 this summer!) and general good time guy. I have a Darth Tater on my desk, but here he is in his purest form. Mr PH was suggested by students in GCSE history class, who should have been working on revision. I should have been teaching them, but instead I sat and wrote this. Only 80 to go.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

19. Jimmy Vivino

I don't include a picture for Jimmy Vivino and instead ask you to watch this clip. Jimmy Vivino is a session guitarist and member of The Fab Faux, here performing side two of 'Abbey Road' in its entirety. It is, simply, stunning. As you watch, I urge you to remember two things.
1. This was done live - something the Beatles never did with Abbey Road
2. None of the Beatles looked nearly as great as Mr Vivino.


The Fab Faux - Abbey Road Side 2 (mostly) from The Fab Faux on Vimeo.

Sunday, 2 May 2010

18. Lee Turbard

Many years ago, I was having dinner with my wife in Pizza Express in Colchester. We were having a quick meal before going to a gig with friends, so we spent the meal talking about some of them, as you do. We finished eating, paid the waitress and got up to leave. As I stood up, I saw my good friend Lee over the other side of the restaurant also getting up from his table and so, as you would, waved at him. Just as I opened my mouth to call over, I realised that there was no other side to the restaurant and instead there was a huge mirror. My friend Lee was, in fact, me.

Here he is, playing bass and looking good.